Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Insurance 2010.


I have just renewed my insurance. Didn’t bother shopping around this year, as Swinton (Carol (I think)) contacted me with a quote & it seemed pretty reasonable. Was quoted £128 + £25 for legal cover.
I turned down the legal cover to keep the cost down as much as possible, but then Carol chucked it in for free, so I have fully comp + legal for £128.
I did check to make sure that they were still aware that my Scoota was modified & they confirmed & accepted. 🙂

A new rider.


Welcome to the newest Scoota rider, Paul, he took delivery today. He plans on upgrading to 60 volts very soon. You can follow his progress on his blog. The links on the right hand side. He should be keeping it up to date 🙂

72 volt charger now in use.


I have just received my 72v charger & wired it into my enclosure. So I now have a charger to charge all the batteries everyday & another 12v charger to give an extra top-up at the end of the week. This should keep all of the batteries in tip-top condition.

& hey, if anyone wants a 48v or 60v charger, I have them going spare. I would be willing to sell them for £15 each + postage.

On a slightly different note; my Scoota has now done 1600 miles (on the clock) & the motor/batteries are still going strong 🙂

The instructions are coming.


The 72 volt conversion instructions are on the way. They should be ready in a few days. Keep an eye on Mike’s site for news.

De-Restriction update (version……)


Hi peeps.
It’s only been a week or so since my last update, but there has been a truck load of stuff going on, that will hopefully make those of you that were apprehensive about doing a conversion change your mind.
As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I have been having lots of communications with a guy named Mike, who is ( without me over inflating his EGO 🙂 ) a complete genius when it comes to electronics. We had been happily running along the lines of using the Scoota with 60 volts & had cured all the problems, i.e. getting the right charger & a new speed controller. This is all good if you want/are happy with a straight 60v conversion. By the way, the new controller I posted info about, is actually a straight fit with no requirement to change any connectors, so you could convert without EGO ever knowing (in case of a warranty claim) 🙂

Now Mike has thrown a 72volt (with onboard battery regen) conversion into the arena! I am really interested in going this way, as it seems pretty simple. I would be able to use my new controller as it is already capable of running 72v, all it needs is a re-programming of the chip (but if you buy a standard one from e-crazyman you would not need to do this.
You can easily fit 2 batteries under the seat (making 72 volts total), the only drawback at this stage, is that we are yet to source a 72v charger (although we are looking). It would be a case of taking out the 6th battery & charging separately every day.
There would be a requirement to uprate the battery cabling & a simple circuit to reduce the voltage to the voltage converter, but this is all simple stuff.

I will post more later, as & when I have news worthy 🙂


De-restriction update.


I was kindly informed about a battery charger that was available to charge all 5 batteries (60 volts). There is a guy in Hong Kong that deals in a load of electric scooter stuff. The charger is 60 volt, 2.5 amp. This remove’s the need to charge the extra battery seperately. Here’s the link for e-crazyman’s ebay site:
I have cut off the electrical flex from my old charger & fixed it to the new charger, as the new one only had about 2′ of flex.

He also makes a 72 volt speed controller which he will convert to a 60 volt controller. I have asked him to produce a 60 volt, 1400 watt, 50 amp controller, which he has & I am awaiting delivery…..